Tuesday 25 September 2007

Hyatt/Advertiser South Australian Wine of the Year Awards

On Friday 25th August Mum, Dad, Lisa & I went to the Hyatt/Advertiser SA Wine of the Year Awards. We had a wonderful night, the food was delicious, the wines (all 12 of them) were beautiful & the entertainment (Far from North) exceptional.

It’s always a wonderful opportunity to attend award shows as you are able to taste multiple varieties in one sitting. It is similar to a wine tasting in a cellar door but you have the added advantage (in this case especially) of the wine being accompanied by food prepared by some of the best chef’s in Adelaide. I always find that when buying wine, I tend to stick with a particular variety – however, I was surprised to see from the white wines presented (I usually go for a Riesling) that I enjoyed the Chardonnay & Semillon. Whilst, with the reds (I’m a devoted Cabernet drinker) I finished my glass of Shiraz before any of the other reds.

I thought it was fitting that one of the speakers for the evening said the awards are not about winning but allowing people within the wine industry to set a high standard for their wines showing exceptional quality and varieties. It’s true, we tend to drink our own wine and comment on the flavours we like, but the awards give us the opportunity to compare and set a higher standard for our wines.

For me the stand out of the night was not the wines, but the gorgonzola panna cotta served with pear bread & thinly sliced toffeed pear - To die for!

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