Thursday 24 April 2008

Vintage Bottles

Lisa has always sporadically collected old bottles and tins. I remember when she came home from Bali after a holiday with some friends, I was eager to see all the gifts she had bought me and she started to pull out soft drink bottles – this was before vintage style glass bottles were popular in Australia - she had collected a whole range of them. I wasn’t too disappointed as the bottles were beautiful but I was hoping for a little Balinese shell bag.

I few years ago we were cleaning out our back shed and we came across one of my grandfathers old suit cases. Inside we found all the beautiful bottles that we see above. We were especially excited to see old Miranda port & muscat bottles.

Some of them are so old that the contents have evaporated.

There was even a bottle from Mum and Dad’s wedding. A tradition at Italian weddings is to give the gift of bonbonniere. Mum and Dad gave each guest a little port bottle. They were married 33 years ago today – Happy Anniversary Mum & Dad!

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